Useful links > Keep checking for updates related to Franco-Indian exchange program! Franco-Indian exchange program : Between Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France and Astronomy Institutes in India (IUCAA, Pune and IISc, Banaglore) for Ph.D students and faculties. 4th Franco-Indian Astronomy School (March 2021) on 'Galactic and extragalactic universe in the era of new-generation radio (SKA and pathfinders) and Optical/IR facilitie' : Organized by Lyon University and IIA (Bangalore-India) for Ph.D students, postdocs, and faculties to review recent results and synergies with up-coming multiwavelength facilities (SKA, LOFAR, MSE, TMT, etc.) on a wide range of galactic and extragalactic astrophysical sources 3rd Franco-Indian Astronomy School (February 2018) on 'From reionization to large scale structure - a multiwavelength approach' : Organized by CRAL (Lyon-France) and IUCAA (Pune-India) for Ph.D students and postdocs and faculties to aims to review major recent achievements with theoretical, simulation and observational results on a wide range of extragalactic astrophysical contexts such as Epoch of Reionization (EOR), Cosmology with emission and absorption lines (21-cm redshifted, CO, H-alpha, Ly-alpha etc.), Ly-alpha galaxies at high redshift, gravitational lensing, non-thermal and CO-emission in cluster of galaxies and feedback, nearby galaxies, Giant radio galaxies, AGNs, etc. 2nd Franco-Indian Astronomy School (July 2016) on Galaxy Formation and Evolution- Models to interpret observations : Organized by CRAL (Lyon-France) and IUCAA (Pune-India) for Ph.D students and faculties to cover basics of astrophysical modelisations and simulations developped to interpret the formation and evolution of galaxies. 1st Indo-French Astronomy School (Nov 2015) on Optical Spectroscopy: Organized by IUCAA (Pune-India) and CRAL (Lyon-France) for Ph.D students and faculties to cover basics of optical spectroscopy up to more advanced techniques like Integral Field spectroscopy. Contact: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MAMTA POMMIER ( & CNRS/Laboratoire Univers et Particules de Montpellier (LUPM), University of Montpellier, LUPM CC 072 - Place Eugène Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier Cedex 5,France & International Astronomical Union Webpage: |